Grades K-5 Classroom
Saint Paul kindergarten through grade five classroom program "Blest Are We" is offered once each week on Thursdays at Saint Paul facilities. Dedicated volunteer catechists and aides teach the students that God is revealed in Jesus Christ and that as Church we continue to make present the Body of Christ here on Earth. The text book series "Blest Are We" is approved by the Archdiocese of Washington and the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. Our program is guided by the curriculum standards of the Archdiocese of Washington. The Blest Are We textbook is based on the Catholic faith tradition and its foundational elements and is organized according to the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. At-home family activities are highlighted in each chapter and parents are empowered to guide their children and family in these activities so that the faith becomes a lived experience.
The ‘Catechesis of the Good Shepherd’ ( is a Montessori-based approach to the religious formation of children. The curriculum is rooted in the Bible, the liturgy of the church, and the educational principles of Maria Montessori. Children gather in a room prepared for them (an ‘atrium’) which contains simple yet beautiful materials they use to help them absorb the most essential proclamations of the Christian faith. There are three age level groups; three to six, six to eight, and nine to twelve. Atrium classes meet weekly at Saint Paul facilities on either Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays, depending on the class level.
Home Study
Parents serve as the religious educator of their child by teaching their child weekly, at home, using the "Blest Are We" student workbook. Parents also receive leader materials that help the parents guide their child through the lessons. Families are expected to participate in all other group gatherings of their child’s peer group (Mass, penance services, social events, etc).
Programs are available to registered parishioners who are actively participating in the life of the parish. Non-parishioners require the approval of the Pastor to enroll children in our parish program. Children grade two and above who have not yet received the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist are invited to register for these sacramental preparation programs. Youth grades eight and above who have not yet been confirmed are invited to register for preparation. Confirmation preparation is a two year program at Saint Paul, beginning in one school year and completed in the next. All sacramental preparation programs require parent participation. Some meetings will be for parents alone and others will be for parents and their sons and daughters together. Registration in a religious education program (Classroom, Atrium, Home Study or Catholic School) is required for everyone in sacramental preparation.
For further information contact Matt Curley, Director of Religious Education at 301-253-2027 x110 or [email protected].