Saint Paul Thanksgiving Giving Program 2017 How can you help local families for Thanksgiving? Purchase an uncooked dinner or parts of the meal, donate a $25.00 grocery gift certificate, or volunteer to deliver baskets locally on November 18. For the flyer giving details of items needed,
Click here. For more information please call Margie Apgar at 301-253-2027 ext 105.
Interfaith Thanksgiving Service Join our Damascus community of faith for an Interfaith Thanksgiving Service on Tuesday November 21 at 7:00 PM at Congregation Or Chadash, 24800 Kings Valley Road, Damascus, MD.
Thanksgiving Day Mass Saint Paul Parish will celebrate Thanksgiving Day Mass at 10:00 AM in Church on Thursday November 23, 2017. All are welcome to come and give Thanks to God.
The Parish Office will be closed November 23 and 24, 2017.
Saint Paul Clergy and staff wish everyone a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving.
As you look ahead to the coming Advent Season, mark your calendar for a Parish Reconciliation Service in Church at 7:30 PM on Wednesday December 6, 2017.