Nomination forms for Parish Pastoral Council Members are being accepted through Monday, August 5th for parishioners willing to serve a 3-year term of service.
The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body for the pastor of the parish. Through reflection, prayer, planning, motivation and support the Parish Pastoral Council serves the pastor by helping identify and encourage those ministries or services that are needed for the growth of a parish community, evaluated and implemented on a regular basis. Members may be chosen from various backgrounds and with a variety of professional talents. The current expectation is to meet about once a quarter, typically in the evening.
If after prayerful consideration you would like to submit a nomination form, please find the Pastoral Council Membership Nomination Form in the back of the church, at the parish office, or click the link below. Return the completed form in the weekend collection basket, at the office or via email to the Council Secretary, Joann Zucofski, at [email protected] by Monday, August 5th.
Link to Nomination Form: Pastoral Council Nomination