Fingerprinting and Child Protection Training January 26, 2020 Saint Paul Parish Center Pre-Registration Required
Fingerprinting and Child Protection Training
are required for all Archdiocese of Washington employees and volunteers who have contact with children or vulnerable adults.
Safe Hire Solutions will offer fingerprinting from 9:00-12:00 PM. The cost of fingerprinting is $55 cash or check (payable to Saint Paul). To pre-register go to and follow these instructions:
1. Click on Resources.
2. Click on Forms.
3. Click on LIVESCAN PRE-REGISTRATION APPLICATION (Agency Auth # 9000016616).
4. Fill out and submit.
The Archdiocese of Washington (ADW) Child Protection Training will be from 12:30-3:30 PM. Protecting God's Children for Adults is a one-time mandatory child protection training. The training is free. To pre-register go to and follow these instructions:
1. Click on "Registration" (left side of webpage).
2. Choose "Washington, DC" (Archdiocese).
3. Enter the data requested and click "Continue".
4. Choose your training session and click "Complete Registration".
Please note: Once the maximum class size has been reached, on-line registration will close at this location and you will have to choose another date/location.
Questions? Contact Cindy Mengle, Child Protection Coordinator at
[email protected] or 301-253-2027.
To view the ADW Child Protection Policies and Resources, click