Mass and Healing Service
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Saint Paul Norris Chapel at 9:00 AM
In honor of the 28th World Day of the Sick (which is February 11, 2020), Saint Paul will have a Mass and Healing Service on First Saturday, February 1 at 9:00 AM in the Norris Chapel. All are invited, especially those who are physically/emotionally ill and those who care/comfort the sick. If you have a special request or questions, please contact Deacon Huguley at [email protected].
His Holiness Pope Francis begins his World Day of the Sick message: “Jesus’ words, “Come to me, all you who labour and are burdened, and I will give you rest” (Mt 11:28) point to the mysterious path of grace that is revealed to the simple and gives new strength to those who are weary and tired. These words of Christ express the solidarity of the Son of Man with all those who are hurt and afflicted. How many people suffer in both body and soul! Jesus urges everyone to draw near to him – “Come to me!” – and he promises them comfort and repose. “When Jesus says this, he has before him the people he meets every day on the streets of Galilee: very many simple people, the poor, the sick, sinners, those who are marginalized by the burden of the law and the oppressive social system... These people always followed him to hear his word, a word that gave hope! Jesus’ words always give hope!” (Angelus, 6 July 2014) …”
Read the full message of Pope Francis at